you know what i hate? service workers. f***in' service workers. i know most of the issues with them would fall under the rules of cache invalidation, but i feel like they deserve their own special level of, "areas where you're going to have problems". Also, they combine cache invalidation AND DNS sometimes... so....
Off By One Timezones DNS Cache Invalidation Service workers
Apple charges for Apple Remote Desktop, yet includes a built in VNC viewer in the OS.... which works naturally with the built-in macOS remote management settings. What are they charging for?
Why is sharepoint administration so needlessly complicated. and why does the UI never match the documentation?!
Fiverr MANDATES a tip for an order. That's frustrating.
I was signing up for yet another stupid account.... password field specifically said 12-50 characters, but input field only accepted 12 on the sign up field... i thought maybe only display issue so proceeded. Then went to sign-in to account, sure enough only took 12 characters, but sadly, the sign IN password field COULD accept 50 characters. blargh!
Who the heck invented and/or popularized the "Sparkle" icon to mean, "AI-ify this thing"?
Remember in 2006 when The Facebook launched unlimited photos and albums (at least, it felt unlimited at the time... maybe there were limits...).
And then remember when you'd upload photos of your friends and tag them by clicking on their face and assigning them their name.
Remember how insane and naive we all were.
Man, those days were wild.
also, fuck docker.
i'm such a luddite.
Fuck angular. my god.
A million points to translate this to english:
Am i missing something with text-based notes apps? I just saw the news that Proton and Standard Notes are, "joining forces," which is cool, but... i have still never experienced the supposed massive productivity boost notes apps offer. Is this the same thing as people who need "tab management" in their web browser? Do you really think you have time to go back and look at this stuff? is it digital hoarding? will there be an HGTV or History Channel show on de-cluttering hoarders browsers and notes apps? You read it here first!
I'm not a good programmer; I don't know all the tools. But all I'm saying is that for all the pre-runtime checking static types and compilers are supposed to help perform, I still find myself spending about as much time debugging in runtime. So, why is it wrong for me to just want to do most of my debugging in runtime? Especially when compiling takes more than half a second?!
The AI knew what i was doing... it completed this for me... including the comments...
When you're looking in the timezone library's code for a non-hacky solution and find the function "hackyOffset"
I love it when you come back to a mac that has just shut off randomly. It just works... until it doesn't.
Just downloaded Arc Browser and Orion Browser. So far, I am a happy convert to Kagi after a couple of weeks. I haven't once had to swap back to Google; not for coding, not for niche industry stuff, not for normal family stuff. That being said, switching my browser from my beloved Firefox to either Orion or Arc will take some convincing. Not sure what would be the thing that pushes me over.
I am super excited to have this site up and running. Now to try and customize the theme!